
2024 101 102 103 104
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2016 69 70 71 72
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2014 61 62 63 64
2013 57 58    
2012 53 54 55 56
2011 50 51 52  









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About journal

The collection of scientific works "Social technologies: topical issues of theory and practice" is a scientific professional publication founded by the Classical Private University in 1998.

Registration of Print media entity: Decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine: Decision No. 1543 as of 09.05.2024.

Professional registration: Based on the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 886 dated 02.07.2020 (Appendix 4), the collection is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine category "B" in the field of social sciences (054 – Sociology).

Accommodation on the NBUU websiteSocial technologies: topical issues of theory and practice

The journal is included in Index Copernicus International (Poland) international scientometric database.

The editorial office assigns to each published material an international digital ID of DOI.

ISSN (Print) 2707-9147

Periodicity: 4 times a year.

Language of the edition: Ukrainian, English.

The purpose of the collection of scientific works "Social technologies: topical issues of theory and practice" is to cover the results of scientific searches of researchers in the field of sociological sciences.

This goal defines the main tasks:

- to promote the creation of an open information environment that ensures interaction between leading experts and young scientists in the field of sociological sciences;

- to intensify the development of the international community of specialists in the field of theory and practice of sociological research;

- to promote the links between the Classical Private University and the scientific and educational communities.

 Thematic sections of the journal:

1. Theory and history of sociology;

2. Current problems of special and branch sociology;

3. Actual problems of modern Ukrainian society;

4. Modern technologies in modern Ukrainian society.